Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday Tradition: Christmas Eve

Holiday picture with their grandmas. So blessed to have both in their lives watching them grow up.

The girls with Grandma Marvie and Papa Nick.

Big family portrait with both sets of grandparents. Holidays are all about family!

After a nice big Christmas Eve dinner, we decided to go Christmas caroling. We have never done this before and since we have many days of our advent calendar activities to catch up on, the girls voted for this. It was cold ... but we were determined to spread holiday cheer. Our neighbors and their family from Texas were there to join us in the fun.

Ringing the door bell and waiting to see if anyone's home before we started our singing ... Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Frosty the Snowman were probably our favorites. A couple of others we tried but didn't know so well ... that proved a bit disastrous.

But when the kids are small ... even Ashley joined in ... most people were tolerant and enjoyed our attempts at caroling.

Once it got too cold to bear any longer, we headed inside to make our reindeer food. Mixing some glitter ensure that our lawn would sparkle in the night so Santa's reindeers would find our house.

Oats are biodegradable right? Grass likes it too right? You know ... just in case the reindeer didn't end up eating all of the food. Hehe.

Lena had the most fun sprinkling the reindeer food on the lawn in the front yard ... she ran around laughing and sprinkling and having the best time.

Kaila tosses the last of her bowl into the night. Welcome Santa and his reindeers, we are ready for you!

But then Nani was grumpy because she couldn't find her shoes and she was tired. This girl is sleepy and when it's time to go to bed, she doesn't enjoy doing anything else. She threw her whole bowl at once into the yard and quickly ran back into the house. Good night Nani!

One last step before the girls got ready for bed ... Kaila wrote a note to Santa and we put out the milk and cookies. Our house definitely believes!

Then the house was quiet and still as we settled down all nestled in our warm beds. To all a good night!

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