Saturday, April 21, 2012

Take Twelve March-Luck

Take Twelve for this month was about luck.
I am so lucky to have this life.

My wedding ring symbolizes a wonderful marriage.I am lucky to have found a wonderful man, a caring father and a supportive life partner. I am not just lucky but so blessed to have my 3 children, Kaila, Kainani and Kaiolena. They are my everything. Family and friends are more than just words displayed in our kitchen ... they are a huge part of our lives ... they are our cousins and our neighbors. 

I am lucky to have technology. After discovering Apple products we are grateful to own ipods, iphones, ipads and imacs. My wine glass rack on our bar stands for the joy of downtime ... wine. The side door we use to enter reminds us to keep the spirit of aloha alive in our home. Displayed in our home is a globe of the world. In this house, we know we are lucky to have the life we have so we are open minded to learn about other cultures and those less fortunate than us.

Being from Hawaii, we believe in aloha. We feel lucky to know the beauty of the islands and it’s people, it is within us and keeps us grounded with its spirit. Love for one and for all. Love for our environment and for our life. Love for our God.

This is the luck and good fortune that make up our so called life. Symbols of it are all around us. Remember.

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