Thursday, October 27, 2011

The 3 C's ...

... of life speaks to me. You're probably wondering why I chose to start over with this blog. In the year of less, I felt it appropriate to have less in my digital life. Would like to focus on real life now, scrapbooking it more and enjoying it more.

I'm making a choice to take a chance in order to change.
What change means to me right now ...
*less emotional (do I really have to act so tough to avoid hurt?)
*less fearful (try to avoid insecurities about what others think)
*less busy (if I'm spending quality time with the kids, does anything else matter?)
*less productive (things will not be better after my work is done, things are good right now!)

This might take me right out of my comfort zone ... but isn't that what taking chances is all about?

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