I've been following scrapbooking blogs for a couple of years now. In that one little community, I've been inspired to change my perspective on life and try to live a more meaningful one. Scrapbooking is not just art or creativity, it's memories, it's quality time with family and friends, it's gratitude for the mundane day to day, it's life if you really think about it.
In 2009 I chose the word simplify. I keep going back to that year after year and try to find ways to keep it simple. Somehow, though, life takes over and complexity kicks in again. In 2010 I chose the word mindful. I wanted to stop and enjoy the moment. Really pay attention to life and to what's around me. Slow down the pace and enjoy the journey. That is really hard for a goal oriented, A-type planner like me ... but in the end I spent more free time with the kids and started to eat better. These words have become such a part of me, that it's natural to come up with a new word for 2011.
Last week, the word just hit me. Then every day after that, there was further proof that it was the right word for me right now. LESS. How can I live with less? How can I learn to do or need less? Because really, less can be more. If there's less on my to-do list, there's more time for fun. If there's less to want, then there's more time to enjoy what I already have. If there's less to strive for, then there's more time to be grateful for what god has already given us.
And the word LESS has become my point of focus right now. Are you going to choose One Little Word for 2011?
Ali Edwards' One Little Word
Creature Comforts Thoughts for the New Year
Big Picture Online Workshop
Be More With Less